Price changes and effects - dbt Cloud

Let's understand dbt cloud's latest price changes and it's impact.

Welcome to this week's Five Data Points.

I'm Dinuraj, and I want to share with you five interesting articles I've read this week that I believe will be valuable to you.

1 - dbt Cloud announced changes to their pricing structure

2 - Analysing the implications of the pricing changes

3 - Refreshing reflections on the chatter around dbt cloud’s price changes

4 - Natural language to SQL is a paradigm shift

5 - How do you increase success rates of your analytics initiatives?

Long but worthwhile read, with gems like:

One exercise that I recommend the data team run regularly is what I call "Decisions Made Without Data." It's pretty simple. Every quarter we kept a list of decisions that the broader team made without data.

I hope these articles enriched your thinking with fresh perspectives and deeper insight. Let me know if any of the articles especially resonate with you, or you have topics that you want explored further.

If you found any value in this at all, do pass it along to your friends and colleagues who you think might benefit from it.

Thanks for joining me on this journey of expanding our knowledge about data. I'll see you again next week with more to learn.

Dinuraj Sugumaran